
Junior High School Inducts 97 New Members to NJHS

New members being inducted into West Babylon Junior High School’s National Junior Honor Society. thumbnail258865

Close to 100 new members were inducted into West Babylon Junior High School’s National Junior Honor Society at a ceremony held in the school’s auditorium on May 22.

National Junior Honor Society advisor Tara Limperatos welcomed family, friends, board of education members, administrators and faculty to the ceremony. The National Junior Honor Society officers spoke about the traditions of the organization and the five pillars of leadership, scholarship, service, citizenship and character.

West Babylon Junior High School Principal Dr. Carlos Falcon congratulated students on their successful accomplishments thus far. “I look forward to working with you for the remainder of the year and I take pride in knowing that you all will be our building leaders,” he said. “A building where respect matters, hard work is expected and where honor is given.”

Students were called up one by one to the center of the stage to receive their certifications. West Babylon School District Superintendent of Schools Dr. Yiendhy Farrelly then administered the oath of induction to the newest National Junior Honor Society members.

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Date Added: 6/10/2024