Forest Avenue Elementary School

Address: 200 Forest Avenue, West Babylon, NY 11704
Main Office: 631-376-7300
Principal: Mrs. Gayle Manchisi
Attendance: (631) 376-7301
Nurse: (631) 376-7320

School Hours: 8:45 AM-2:55 PM

Follow Mrs. Manchisi live on Twitter!!

Exterior photo of school building

Welcome to Forest Avenue's website. Please make sure you visit the different sections of our website to stay informed of everything that is going on at FABULOUS FOREST AVENUE. Also don't forget to periodically check the VIRTUAL BACKPACK for any letters or flyer sent home from our PTA.


School Updates


Live Morning Announcements

Each morning, our students read the morning announcements. Readings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel and recordings can be rewatched as well. Click the button below to subscribe!



Google Classroom

Hello Forest Families! Please use the following links to help guide you in signing on and using Google Classroom.



Forest Artists on Display

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Artwork on display. thumbnail264145
Artwork on display. thumbnail264146
Artwork on display. thumbnail264147

Forest Avenue Elementary School is proud to have a display of first and fourth grade artwork currently in the West Babylon Public Library. The artwork is displayed in the children’s area in February as part of a collaboration between the West Babylon Art Department and the West Babylon Public Library to help promote the arts in the schools and in the community. 

Under the direction of art teacher Janice Dougherty, first grade students worked diligently to create artwork to proudly be displayed. Students created line design owls using their cutting and painting skills for mixed media artwork.

Mrs. DiStefano’s fourth grade art classes created metallic snowflakes using a color scheme developed with tissue paper and metallic lines. Additionally, fourth grade students created Jim Dine paint palettes while learning about the elements of line, value and color to develop their artwork in a similar style to artist Jim Dine. 


Date Added: 2/22/2025

Forest Avenue Students Gifted with Literacy

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Forest Avenue Elementary School recently collaborated with Reading is Fundamental and Marchon Eyewear, a VSP Vision company, to give students the holiday gift of reading. Every student at Forest Avenue Elementary School received a Gift of Reading bag for the holidays. The Gift of Reading bag included three books with bookmarks, postcards and a coloring sheet. Students were filled with gratitude as they enjoyed their new books over the break.

Date Added: 1/15/2025