
Science Olympiad Teams Make Mark at Competition

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On Dec. 14, two of West Babylon Senior High School’s Science Olympiad teams traveled to Connecticut to compete at a Science Olympiad invitational. Joined by 19 teams from New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Rhode Island, West Babylon students competed in 23 different STEM events.

Coached by Andrea Durbin, West Babylon’s Science Olympiad teams compete at invitationals to help prepare for the annual regional competition – of which only the top six teams will move on to the state competition.

At the Connecticut Invitational, West Babylon’s Team A finished in fifth place while West Babylon’s Team B finished in 14th. Medals were awarded to the top three finishing teams in each event. The following students were awarded medals in their individual events:

* Second place in Air Trajectory: Melanie Jastrzebski and Nicole Rex
* Third place in Air Trajectory: James Graham and Leo Jin
* First place in Astronomy: Addie Eglin and Magdalena Obrycki
* Second place in Fossils: Addie Eglin and Erin Fider
* Third place in Wind Power: Julian Cruz and Magdalena Obrycki
* Second place in Write It Do It: Gabbie Gorczynski and Sofia Fuentes

Click here to view the Science Olympiad Teams Make Mark at Competition slideshow.

Date Added: 1/3/2024