
Tooker and JFK Artists Show Their Creativity

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Students in Ms. Marmaroff's art classes at John F. Kennedy Elementary School and Tooker Avenue Elementary School celebrated International Dot Day on Sept. 15. The day encourages students to make their mark, be creative and be courageous in honor of the children’s book “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds.

In the book, the main character illustrates dots in imaginative ways. Student artists at John F. Kennedy created their own dots, demonstrating their creativity and utilizing a variety of materials in each grade level. Kindergarten artists used coffee filters and markers to experiment with warm and cool colors. They then used paint brushes with water to blend their colors. In second grade, artists created abstract dots. Students used various mark-making materials and textures such as Kwik Stix, paint with cardboard stampers, bubble wrap and dot markers.

At Tooker Avenue, first graders used Kwix Stix to create concentric circles by starting with one circle in the center and creating more around it until filling their paper.

Click here to view the Tooker and JFK Artists Show Their Creativity slideshow.

Date Added: 9/30/2024