Current News

Video: Earth Day in Action at Tooker Avenue

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Date Added: 5/15/2024

Thank You Teachers

Walmart's thank you to Tooker Ave teachers. thumbnail258123
Walmart's thank you to Tooker Ave teachers. thumbnail258124
In honor of Teacher Appreciation week, representatives from Walmart of Farmingdale, Angie Martinez and Lorrie Rhinebeck, stopped by Tooker Avenue to show their appreciation for the teachers and staff. Angie is a parent of two current Tooker Ave students! They brought treat bags, an apple shaped cake and a fruit basket for staff to enjoy. A huge thank you to Walmart of Farmingdale!

Tooker Avenue Recognizes Autism Awareness Month

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Throughout April, Tooker Avenue Elementary School acknowledged and celebrated National Autism Awareness Month. Students and staff kicked off the month by wearing blue shirts and/or autism awareness shirts on April 2 for World Autism Day (Light it Up Blue). They continued to wear the shirts every Monday in April.

In addition, every Tooker Avenue student was given a puzzle piece to color/design utilizing the traits of character education. All the puzzle pieces were put together into a collage and are on display in the lobby hallway.

Tooker Avenue’s library displayed an array of age-appropriate books that assist in explaining autism. Teachers were also provided grade appropriate handouts regarding autism to discuss with their classes. Grades prekindergarten through second grade received “Autism: A Guide for Children” and grades three to five received “School Community Tool Kit: Autism Basics.” During speech teacher Mrs. Ramo’s sessions, students discussed how they are individually unique and together complete.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/19/2024

South Bay Student-artists Show Off Their Sculptures

Fifth grade student-artists at South Bay Elementary School. thumbnail257649
Fifth grade student-artists at South Bay Elementary School. thumbnail257650
Fifth grade student-artists at South Bay Elementary School. thumbnail257651
Fifth grade student-artists at South Bay Elementary School. thumbnail257652

Fifth grade student-artists in Ms. Dougherty’s class at South Bay Elementary School are learning all about analogous colors. The students recently created relief dragon eye sculptures. They are taking an in-depth look at color theory and how to mix colors using Model Magic. The unit, which focused on sculpture and impression, paired with their lessons on medieval drawings. When their sculptures were complete, the students mounted them on a frame for the upcoming annual art show.

Date Added: 4/23/2024

Congratulations to this trimester winners

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Each trimester, Tooker students are recognized for outstanding attendance. They receive the award if they don’t have more than one absence in each trimester of the school year. Congratulations to this trimester winners!'

Date Added: 4/12/2024