IT Policies

West Babylon School District Instructional Technology Policies

1. Overview

The West Babylon School District is committed to integrating technology into the educational experience to enhance learning outcomes. This policy outlines the guidelines for the use of school-issued devices, including Chromebooks, and the responsible use of the internet, both on-campus and off-campus.

2. School-Issued Devices (Chromebooks)

2.1 Distribution

  • Eligibility: All students in grades K-12 will be issued a Chromebook at the beginning of the school year.
  • Responsibility: Students and their parents/guardians must sign an agreement acknowledging receipt and responsibility for the device. This includes maintaining the device in good working condition.
2.2 Usage Guidelines
  • In-School Use: Chromebooks should be used primarily for educational purposes. Personal use during school hours is prohibited unless expressly permitted by a teacher.
  • At-Home Use: Students may take Chromebooks home for school-related activities. It is expected that the device be brought to school fully charged each day.
  • Internet Filtering: All Chromebooks will have internet filtering software installed, which will be active both in and out of school to ensure safe browsing.
  • Software and Apps: Only district-approved software and apps may be installed on Chromebooks. Students are prohibited from downloading or installing any unauthorized software or apps.
2.3 Care and Maintenance
  • General Care: Students are expected to treat Chromebooks with care, avoiding food or drink near the device and keeping it in a secure location when not in use.
  • Damage or Loss: In the event of damage, loss, or theft of a Chromebook, students must report it to the school administration immediately. Families may be responsible for repair or replacement costs if the damage is due to negligence.
  • Updates: The IT department will regularly push updates to devices. Students are expected to comply with any update requests to maintain device security and functionality.
2.4 Return of Devices
  • End of School Year: All Chromebooks must be returned at the end of the school year. Failure to return the device may result in fines or withholding of student records.
  • Withdrawal: Students who withdraw from the district must return their Chromebook before their last day of attendance.


3. Internet Use Policy

3.1 General Guidelines
  • Educational Purpose: Internet access in the West Babylon School District is provided for educational purposes only. Any use of the internet for personal, recreational, or non-educational activities during school hours is prohibited.
  • Responsible Use: Students must use the internet in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner, respecting the rights and privacy of others.
3.2 Prohibited Activities
  • Inappropriate Content: Accessing, downloading, or sharing any material that is pornographic, violent, or otherwise inappropriate for an educational setting is strictly prohibited.
  • Cyberbullying: Any form of cyberbullying or harassment through district-provided internet access or devices will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.
  • Illegal Activities: Using the school’s internet for illegal activities, including hacking, downloading pirated software, or violating copyright laws, is strictly prohibited.
3.3 Internet Use at Home
  • Supervision: Parents/guardians are encouraged to monitor their child’s internet use at home, ensuring that the device is used for educational purposes.
  • Filtering: The district’s internet filtering policies extend to at-home use of school-issued devices. However, parents are encouraged to implement additional filtering at home if desired.
3.4 Digital Citizenship
  • Training: The district will provide digital citizenship training to students, teaching them how to use technology and the internet safely and responsibly.
  • Etiquette: Students are expected to follow proper online etiquette, including respecting the privacy of others, not sharing personal information, and communicating respectfully in online environments.


4. Data Privacy and Security

4.1 Student Data
  • Confidentiality: The district is committed to protecting the confidentiality of student data. Access to student data is limited to authorized personnel and is only used for educational purposes.
  • Third-Party Services: Any third-party service used by the district must comply with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and other relevant data privacy laws like Ed Law 2D.


5. Consequences for Policy Violations

  • Disciplinary Action: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including loss of device privileges, detention, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the infraction.
  • Restitution: In cases of damage, loss, or theft of school-issued devices, students and their families may be held financially responsible.


6. Policy Review and Updates

  • Annual Review: This policy will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure it remains current with technological advancements and legal requirements.
  • Feedback: The district welcomes feedback from students, parents, and staff on how to improve this policy. Feedback can be submitted to the Director of Technology.


These policies aim to ensure that technology is used effectively and responsibly within the West Babylon School District, supporting a safe and productive learning environment for all students.