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South Bay Elementary School Resources For Students
Students can access through classlink on their chromebooks
Featuring flash videos, games, activities, and quizzes. Brain Pop and its K-3 site, Brain Pop Jr., are great, interactive resources for your children. They are constantly adding new topics, so check it out! Both sites have the same login & password
.Featuring flash videos, games, activities, and quizzes. Brain Pop and its K-3 site, Brain Pop Jr., are great, interactive resources for your children. They are constantly adding new topics, so check it out! Both sites have the same login & password
BrainPop ELL
: Discover 90 scaffolded lessons to build vocabulary and grammar skills for English learners at every level. These sites have the same login and password.
Formerly World Almanac for Kids. TONS of great resources, including country information, careers, animals, history, the 50 states, and more.
iReady Math Online Instruction:
Each student at South Bay has their own login and password for the iReady online instruction program. Based on the diagnostics that your child takes each trimester, the online instruction program creates a sequence of fun and engaging lessons for students to follow that are specifically tailored to your child's needs. This is a great way to boost your child's math skills and help them close any gaps in their math conceptual understanding.
: Each of the Suffolk public libraries subscribes to Live-brary which now offers a new tool called Brain Fuse that would be helpful to many of your students and is FREE. There is LIVE homework help from 2pm through 11pm. Students in K-12 are directed to a personal one on one tutor who can assist them in completing homework assignments. In addition, you can also play review games to reinforce specific skills from this site and submit writing that can be reviewed and edited within one business day. The only thing that students need in order to log in is their library card number.
: PebbleGo is a great online resource for K-3 research, featuring sections on biographies, Earth and space, animals, and now social studies, too!
Spelling City
High quality, non-fiction texts for grades 3-5 featuring ebooks, activities, web resources, project ides, and videos! Categories include: American Indians, U.S. Government, Earth Science, Experiments, Space, and more.
World Book Online:
Access World Book Online. World Book Student, and World Book Kids, featuring complete, age-appropriate encyclopedia articles with media.
« South Bay Elementary School
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